Sabtu, 21 November 2015

The Speech

This is the speech that I brought when I joind the speech competition at IAIN SALATIGA 

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

Your Excellency : The Rector of IAIN Salatiga
Respectable : All the Juries of speech competition
Honorable : All the Committees of speech competition

First of all there is no beautiful sentence except say thanks  unto our God Allah SWT. Who has been giving us mouth for speaking, eyes for looking, ears for hearing, and heart for loving. So let say hamdallah together. Alhamdulillahi robbil’alamin.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, as the last messenger of Allah SWT, who has guided us from jahiliyah to islamiyah era, namely Islam as the true religion in this world till hereafter.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the master of ceremony who has given me chance to give my speech in front of you all.
Well ladies and gentleman In this occasion I would like to deliver my speech by the title “ The young generation as the reflection of the nation future”
Well ladies and gentleman as the young generation we have already known that The young generation is the reflection of the nation future. The world belongs to the young generation, and the destiny of our nation is in our hand as the young generation. A country would be great if supported by the youth who are aware that education is important to them. The young generation is set up to be " future leaders " So as the reflect of the nation's future and become a pillar of a nation . we may not be a weak whether in physic, knowledge or education, and the spirit of life. It is undeniable that the young generation has a big role for the nation .The progress of a nation depends on the quality of the youth generation. But what happen with the young generation now ? most of them don’t care about their quality, they do criminal cases, free sex, smoking, consuming drugs and many others. Don’t you ever think? why this happen in our young generation?. This is happen because of our low religion, low education, and low moral.
When we were child I am sure that our parents had already taught us about religion, since we were born our father did adzan and iqomah beside of our left and right ears. It means that we were recognized by religion since we knew nothing. Not only it, when we were in elementary school our teacher taught us about religion as well right? Till we were in junior high school, senior high school even we are in college, we always study about religion, in other to know about sin, reward, god, and what is the destination of our life. But unfortunately not all of people understand about religion, some of them grow without knowing what’s pray for, why should believe in God, and others. They just do worship without knowing the purpose is. This is one of causes why they do a criminal action. Because they don’t know the function of religion, so they are not afraid of doing a bad thing. From this, we can conclude that  religion is one of the important thing to be understood to face the world.
Well ladies and gentlemen  Living in this world is not enough if only having religion or knowledge, both of them should be balance. As we know that religion without knowledge is blind and knowledge without religion is paralyzed. so we may not miss one of them. Both of them  may not be separated if we want to be able to walk intelligently in a right way. So guys with having a good religion and good education it will help our nation.
Education has been considered as the centre of excellence in preparing human's excellent characters. This belief drives every single person to be ready to face the global challenges. Education is considered to be the best place to prepare the agent of change of the nation that will bring prosperous to others. Education institution is no longer a place to transfer knowledge only, but also a place to form youth's attitude, behavior, character, and leadership. Thus, it is justifiable to reflect some basic value and character of Indonesia and cultivate them to all young generation in the form of national character building through education.
By good education Indonesia will be developed country. Why? Because education can make Indonesian being cleverer. Not only clever in knowledge, but also clever in everything . Such as Clever in deliver opinion, clever in thinking to respond and solve everything that happens in country, clever in action, and etcetera. The young generation must get a good education, because they will be the nation’s future. What will happen if they don’t get good education? Of course our country will be destroyed. If they don’t get good education, how can they solve the problem in their country? , how can they make Indonesia be developed country? It will be a big problem. I am sure that it will be difficult for them to be the pioneers of development, but it will be easy for them to be the virus of development, obstacles of development , even destroy the development, because with the poor education people will be easily to be influenced, and they will do everything what they want without thinking before, without any responsible, speaking without knowledge and many others. So giving good education to young generation is important, because they are the nation’s future.
However, how is the current condition of Indonesian people? education is key to advancing this nation, not to mention the increasingly rampant drug cases among the generation that does not go as finding common ground. So, what should we do to build this nation? Being superior generation of intelligent, creative, and morals through education is one correct answer for us to build a nation that was overwhelmed with a lot of these problems.
Well ladies and gentleman education is the movement from the darkness to the lightness, so don’t be afraid of getting the light, let’s be the stars  which always shine by it selves. Don’t be a moon which is bright because the light of the sun . we are as the young generation start from now let’s create the good story of our nation by using our knowledge, let’s change the destiny of our nation by struggle hard, and let’s do the best for our future, shall we?

Well I am Nurul Hikmah thank you very much for your nice attention, I do apologize for all of my mistakes that I did, because The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your pardon, finally I say .

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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